Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What are the Benefits of Fulvic Acid?

There are many things that can cause abscesses, which can be quite painful. If you have an abscess, however, you shouldn't attempt to treat it with fulvic acid. There's no medical evidence supporting the use of fulvic acid in humans in general, or with regard to abscess treatment in particular.


According to PubMed Health, an abscess is a pocket of pus. Because it's generally the result of an infection or injury, there's typically an area of swollen tissue around the pus pocket, and this swollen tissue is generally painful. If the abscess is on your skin, you'll be able to see and feel it easily. If it's deeper in the body -- on an organ, for instance -- you might not be able to feel it, but it's still indicative of a serious problem.

Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid is a component of compost. It's not a single chemical, but is instead a mixture of many molecules with similar chemical properties. Compared to humic acid, another mixture of molecules in compost, fulvic acid molecules are smaller and less complex, explains Dr. R. Baigorri and colleagues in a 2009 article in the "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry." Because fulvic acid adds energy-containing molecules to the soil, it's an excellent soil conditioner.

Fulvic Acid and Abscesses

If you have an abscess and want to try to treat it with fulvic acid, you should talk to your doctor first about the risks and the potential benefits. There's no scientific evidence that supports the use of fulvic acid in humans, nor is there evidence to suggest that it has any effect on abscesses. There's also no scientific evidence to suggest that it's safe to use topically or take by mouth.


The treatment for an abscess varies with its severity and location on your body. PubMed Health notes that some abscesses respond to antibiotics, while others require surgical removal. If the abscess is on an internal organ, you'll need a medical evaluation to determine what caused it, and to try to prevent future abscess formation. If you think you have an abscess -- internal or external -- you should see your doctor for an evaluation.

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