Friday, January 6, 2012

Things to Know About Plyometric Cable Exercises

Plyometrics, sometimes referred to as jump training, involves fast, high-impact movements that train your muscles to react quickly after being loaded, or stretched. Cable machine training focuses on building and strengthening muscles by using resistance. Some exercises are designed to encompass both techniques in order to provide you with an advanced, challenging and intense workout.
Plyometric exercises involve explosive movements. According to certified strength and conditioning specialist Matthew R. Kutz in NSCA's Performance Training Journal, this type of movement trains your muscles to reach maximum force in a short amount of time. Athletes who rely on their ability to react quickly find plyometric training effective. Cable machine exercises are performed on an exercise machine in which a cable is attached to weights at one end. The user then pulls the cable in sport-specific movements to target and strengthen certain muscles. When you combine the two training techniques, you add resistance with explosion and get a full-body workout. In addition to strengthening and toning, you can improve the response time of your muscles, and improve your endurance, balance and coordination.
Jump Squat Cable Row
Set the machine to the desired weight, adjust the pulley so it is chest high and attach a handle to the cable. Face the machine, grasp the handle with your right hand and back away so your arm is extended straight and you feel the full resistance of the weight. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your left arm bent at your side. Bend your hips and knees and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Concentrate on keeping your back straight and your head up. Simultaneously extend your hips and knees, explode straight up off the floor, pull the cable back until the handle is at the right side of your chest and extend your left arm for balance. As you descend to the floor, extend your right arm back toward the pulley, bring your left arm back by your side and bend your hips and knees to absorb the impact. Immediately explode up and repeat the exercise for the desired number of reps. Rest, switch arms and repeat.
Advanced Plyometric -- Split Lunge with Row
With the machine set up in a similar fashion as with the jump squat cable row exercise, grasp the handle with your right hand, back away and position yourself in a similar way. Start in a lunge position. Take a staggered stance with your left foot ahead of your right. Bend your left hip and knee and lower your body so your left thigh is parallel to the floor, your left knee is at a 90-degree angle and your right knee is an inch from the floor. Jump up off the floor as you simultaneously pull the cable's handle back to the middle of your chest, switch positions of your legs and switch the handle to your left hand. Upon landing, bend your right hip and knee, lower your body into a lunge position and extend your left arm straight toward the pulley. Immediately explode upward, bring the cable's handle back to the middle of your chest, switch your legs, switch the handle to your right hand and return to a lunge position. Continue the exercise switching your legs and arms for the desired number of reps.
Considerations and Tips
Plyometric cable exercises are advanced and challenging. Before you include these exercises into your workout regime, check first with your doctor. If you have never used a cable machine, ask a trainer for assistance and ask for a demonstration on the proper technique for each exercise. Set the weight according to your strength level and start with a low number of reps. Increase the weight and reps as you become stronger. Perform a 10-minute warm-up routine before each workout session. This might include light jogging, shuffling or riding a stationary bike.

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