Thursday, January 5, 2012

Things to Know About HGH for Vitiligo

Certain health remedies rely on scientific research and medical studies, while others lack credible backing to support health claims. Human growth hormone (HGH) is a subject of various claims, including those that suggest it helps slow aging. Although this natural hormone provides some medical benefits, there is no evidence that it prolongs youth or helps in the treatment of skin disorders, such as vitiligo. Consult your dermatologist before using any type of unproven therapy for a medical condition.


Your anterior pituitary gland is responsible for making growth hormone. This hormone has an essential role in helping your body build muscles and bone tissue, as well as assisting in metabolism regulation. The production of this hormone decreases as you age. Children who fail to produce adequate amounts of this hormone may require therapeutic doses to help promote normal growth and development.


Some people take HGH in an attempt to increase muscle mass and slow the aging process. However, FDA approval for HGH therapy in adults is limited to treating individuals with short bowel syndrome, growth hormone deficiencies and muscle wasting due to HIV.


Melanin is the substance that gives your skin, hair and eyes color. Vitiligo is a condition that occurs when your body stops producing melanin. The most common symptom of vitiligo involves the appearance of irregular patches of white skin. While this skin disorder affects all types of skin, it is more noticeable in people who have darker skin tones. The cause of vitiligo remains unknown, although some health professionals believe that a hereditary disorder affecting the immune system may have a role.


There is no known cure for vitiligo, although certain practices, treatments and therapies may help slow the progression of this condition. Regular use of sunscreen products can help minimize tanning, and reduce the contrast between normal skin and white patches of skin. According to the Mayo Clinic, alternative remedies for vitiligo include taking ginkgo, while medical treatments involve the use of topical corticosteroids and topical immunomodulators, as well as surgery and laser treatments. HGH supplements or injections are not among the standard or medically recognized therapies for vitiligo.

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