Monday, January 16, 2012

Things to Know About Golf Flpping

A common problem among amateur golfers is the tendency to flip the hands during the downswing. Not only does this swing flaw limit the power and distance of your shots, it also makes it difficult to hit the ball to the target with any consistency. Learn the proper release of the hands to hit better shots and increase power.
The Causes
Golf instructor Jim Flick identifies the primary causes of flipping the hands as the right hand overpowering the left (for a right-handed golfer), a body that is too active or too open and the club going off plane. The common thread running through all of these swing problems is that they throw off the proper sequence in the downswing, thus allowing the wrists to become prematurely unhinged, flipping the club.
LPGA pro Karen Palacios-Jansen writes about the importance of holding the club in your fingers and not in your palm. A club gripped in the palms makes it difficult to release the club properly. Practice hinging your wrists naturally in the backswing so that they are set by the completion of the takeaway. If you imagine that there is a hole in the butt of the club and the club is full of water, use the backswing to drain the water out the bottom of the grip. Swinging toward the ball, hold the wrist hinge as long as possible before firing the hands through contact with the ball.
Right Hand Off
Flick suggests a drill to eliminate flipping that works best initially with shorter irons. Practice hitting balls while letting your right hand come off the grip just after impact. This removal of the right hand emphasizes the need for the left hand and arm to lead the swing, bowing the wrist with the hinge, rotating through impact with the ball and finishing the follow-through by folding up at the elbow.
Release the Tension
The ability to keep your arms, hands and wrists tension free also helps to do away with the flip. Flick points out that you should be able to feel the left forearm ahead of the club head at impact with the left wrist slightly bowed. The right arm should be folded under the left. Keeping the tension out of your arms and hands helps to allow the club head to unhinge the wrists and the left arm to lead the swing, which is critical to avoid a flipping motion with the hands.

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