Friday, January 6, 2012

Things to Know About Bench Press Stretching Exercises

Dynamically stretching a muscle increases blood flow, neural activation and strength before a weightlifting exercise such as the bench press. When rebounding from a stretch, a muscle will contract more intensely, allowing you to exert more strength. Stretch your pectoral and deltoid muscles before performing the bench press, in addition to warming up your shoulder joints.
Activated Muscles
The bench press primarily requires strength from the pectoral and anterior deltoid muscles. The pectoral muscles, which are the major muscles of the chest, are divided into three bundles: the upper, middle and lower pectoral. The bench press primarily involves the middle and upper pecs. The pecs pull your arms and shoulders toward your center line. The deltoids wrap your shoulders. The anterior deltoids are on the front of the shoulder, connected to the chest, and pull your upper arms forward. These are the muscles that need to be stretched for optimal bench press performance.
Pectoral Stretch
A racked barbell on a press bench provides all the equipment you need to stretch your muscles before performing the bench press. Lie flat on the bench, and grip the barbell, still racked, as if you were about to begin the bench press. Flex your torso upward and side-to-side to stretch your pectoral muscles.
Deltoid Stretch
The anterior deltoids can be stretched in a manner similar to your pectoral muscles, although the stretch might be more easily performed against the wall while standing. Place your hand on a wall or door frame and rotate your torso forward so you feel the pull on the front of your shoulder, which is the anterior deltoid muscle. Gently flex back and forth to extend the range of motion.
Range of Motion
The shoulder joints, and to a lesser extent the elbows, account for the motion of the bench press. Perform shoulder circles by rotating your arm in a circular motion forward and backward. To avoid injury, do not perform shoulder circles at a high speed. This will help increase lubrication and blood flow to your joints, providing ample cushioning when they are under the weight of the barbell.
Consult your doctor before beginning a weightlifting routine, especially if you have any prior injuries or medical conditions. Seek the training of a certified fitness instructor before performing the bench press. When stretching, never force your range of motion into pain.

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