Thursday, January 12, 2012

Risks and Injuries in Boxing

Boxing is a tough and demanding sport that has been under increased scrutiny as medical science learns more about the dangers of brain trauma and concussions. Fighters must get themselves in top physical condition before they get in the ring. Several harmful effects, both short-term and long-term, can affect boxers.
Brain Injuries
Studies by the British Medical Association and the American Medical Association indicate that concussive and sub-concussive blows to the head can cause long-term brain injuries to boxers. These injuries can lead to speech problems, dementia and memory loss that can have a devastating effect on the boxer's ability to function in the outside world. The AMA and BMA have both called for banning boxing and have also issued safety recommendations for the sport to follow to prevent traumatic brain injuries. Those recommendations include wearing head gear in the ring, the banning of punches to the head and thumbless gloves.
Broken Ribs
Boxers who are hit with repeated hard punches to the core area can suffer additional injuries. One of the effects is broken ribs. When the force of a punch or a series of punches is strong enough to break rib bones, the injuries are extremely painful and the broken bones can affect a boxer's ability to breathe.
Hand Injuries
The process of throwing punches while in training and in a boxing match can lead to hand injuries. Even though a boxer's hands are taped and protected by padded gloves, the constant pounding of the fists can lead to broken hand bones. Boxers who continue to fight with broken bones in the hands are at an increased risk of developing arthritis.
Cuts and Bruises
Boxers suffer cuts and bruises to the head and upper body. Cuts to the head can be severe and lead to scarring and disfigurement. A typical boxer's injury is known as cauliflower ear. When a boxer takes a number of punches to the ears, the resulting injuries leave the ears misshapen.

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