Thursday, January 5, 2012

Physical & Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy

Exercise doesn’t have to be conducted on your own or at breakneck speed. Various forms of movement are good for the heart, lungs, muscles and mind. Exercise with a buddy or group not only makes the activity pass more quickly, it also makes it more enjoyable. A dance therapy group offers myriad physical and emotional health benefits. Dance therapists help their groups develop nonverbal means to express emotion, and they also assess physical limitations. Before beginning any exercise or therapy program, you should consult your physician.


Dance is a form of movement that expresses emotion as it provides health benefits. According to the American Dance Therapy Association, dance therapy is the psychotherapeutic application of movement to benefit the physical, mental, emotional and social health of a person. When done in a group setting, dance therapy creates a connection between the mind, body and spirit as it creates a connection among people. While it’s easy to become discouraged working at a dance step or physical therapy exercise by yourself, the camaraderie of a group cheers on the individual to master the next movement.

Physical Advantages

Depending on your age and level of mobility, group dance therapy can provide vigorous exercise with complicated steps. It also can present deliberate, slow movements to exercise atrophied muscles, which is made easier when performed to the beat of music and with a partner or supportive group. With an accredited instructor, it can be used as a form of physical therapy. For example, rather than walking from one end of the room and back, dancers can shuffle, sashay or slide and cheer each other’s progress. Some champions promote group dance therapy as an exercise that boosts the immune system, helping to prevent illness.

Mental and Emotional Advantages

Exercise and movement boost the creation of endorphins, which are mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain. Whether you enjoy nine holes with a colleague, take spinning classes with your significant other or dance with a group of friends, the endorphins reduce stress as they elevate your outlook on life. A dance therapy group applies the practice of dance and rhythm in a way that encourages emotional expression and movement, which also boosts self-confidence and allows for verbal and nonverbal expression. calls exercise “meditation in motion,” and group dance falls squarely in that category.


Group dance therapy provides a setting in which you can socialize. Senior citizens who live alone or relatively isolated, can mix with other seniors as they collectively seek exercise. Dance therapy provides an avenue for people with physical disabilities to interact with others in a friendly, welcoming setting. For children, dance therapy teaches socialization skills when children have to rely on each other to complete steps, and it also helps them to manage their copious amounts of energy.

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