Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Neck Strengthening Exercises for Women Boxers

Strengthening your neck helps stabilize your upper spine and prevent injury. A strong, healthy neck also improves your posture and might be less susceptible to strain and pain. Perform a weight-bearing neck workout with the aid of a professional trainer or fitness facility staff to ensure correct technique and avoid possible injury. Perform two sets of 10 repetitions of each neck exercise on two nonconsecutive days each week.
Plate Weight Exercises
Perform neck extensions and flexions with the help of a light amount of plate weight and a towel. Sitting on the edge of a chair or weight bench, wrap a towel around the plate weight and place the weight on the back of your head. Hold the weight and towel with both hands, bend forward at the waist and bend your neck forward until your chin touches your chest.
Lie perpendicular on a bench, with only your upper back in contact with the bench, your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place the weight wrapped in the towel on your forehead and bend your neck backward, then bend your neck forward until your chin touches your chest.
Exercises for Neck Pain Exercise to stabilize your neck and decrease pain. www.fitnesseducationseminars.com
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Isometric Flexion and Extension
Neck extensions and flexions are also possible by using the pressure of your hands to help strengthen the muscles of your neck. Perform flexions with your chin held upward slightly, holding your hands to the back of your head. Push your head backward as you push your hands on the back of your head for resistance.
Likewise, this same principle can be applied to performing neck extensions. With your chin level with the ground, push your chin toward your chest while applying pressure to your forehead with your hands.
Isometric Side Rotation
Your hands can also help create resistance with neck side rotations to target the muscles along the sides of your neck. Place your left palm on the left side of your head just above your ear. Try to rotate your head to the left while pushing to the right with your left hand. Your head should stay stationary from the opposing pressure from your hand. Alternate with your right hand on the right side of your head between sets.
Use care when strengthening your neck muscles. Incorrect form might lead to neck strain and other injury. If you have a history of neck injury or pain, consult your doctor before beginning a neck-strengthening regimen.

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