Friday, January 6, 2012

Instant Tea & Red Face

Making a pitcher of instant tea should quench your thirst, not redden your face. Yet several ingredients in instant tea can cause or exacerbate redness in your face in what is also referred to as facial flushing or blushing. Preventing facial flushing while drinking instant tea depends on your sensitivity to certain ingredients, along with your history of other skin conditions.
Caffeine-Related Redness
On average, a cup of instant tea contains between 24 mg and 34 mg of caffeine, about the same amount as in a can of caffeinated soda. Drinking large quantities of caffeine causes your blood vessels to constrict and stimulates your nervous system. Constricted blood vessels force blood toward the surface tissue in your face, creating a reddish blush. The stimulating affects of caffeine on your central nervous system also make your face vulnerable to flushing. In research about caffeine and its affects on the human body, Dr. Barry Smith and team reported caffeine's stimulating powers caused flushing, among other side effects.
Artificial Sweeteners
Flavored instant teas, such as raspberry or peach, often contain an artificial sweetener such as saccharine or aspartame, which can cause redness and facial flushing. Tea leaves are naturally sugar free, so creating an appealing sweetened flavor requires a significant amount of artificial sweeteners. According to the International Rosacea Foundation, the artificial sweeteners in many instant tea mixes can create a noticeable facial blush, with the results being particularly, but not exclusively, noticeable among people with chemical sensitivities.
Combined Exacerbating Factors
Combining items that cause facial flushing can exacerbate the affects of drinking instant tea. For example, an alcoholic beverage made with instant tea can worsen your facial flushing because alcohol, like caffeine and artificial sweeteners, reddens your skin. Assume sensitivity to all instant tea and use another beverage as the base of your drink.
Preventive Measures
Enjoy instant tea without blushing by selecting the type of tea and the ingredients carefully. For example, instant white tea contains two-thirds less caffeine than instant black tea. Another way to limit unwelcome flushing is by making unsweetened instant tea and adding honey or natural sugar afterward. Avoid flavored instant teas, which usually contain artificial sweeteners.

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