Friday, January 6, 2012

Injury Risks of Kickboxing

Kickboxing, a hybrid sport that sprang from the desire of karate practitioners in the 1970s to expand the contact that was allowed in their competitions, has become a popular training activity as well as an athletic competition. Because kickboxing involves the exertion of all muscle groups, and the sport can involve contact and board-breaking, the Podiatry Network notes that "Injuries that can occur vary from minor injuries to severe debilitating injuries. When assessing aerobic kickboxing, injuries that occur are generally minor."
Plantar Fasciitis
This is a common kickboxing injury because of constant planting and elevating of the foot during many kickboxing moves. Plantar fasciitis is an irritation or swelling of the fleshy part of bottom of the foot and can result from the pivoting on one foot and supporting your weight on one foot throughout a match or workout. Anti-inflammatory drugs and coricosteroids can help, as can physical therapy, to help stretch the plantar fascia and prevent future injuries.
Wrist and Elbow Injuries
A 2003 study of kickboxing injuries, published in the "Journal of Strength Conditioning Research," showed the wrist and elbow had the highest percentage of new injuries reported. The danger to the wrists and elbows in many cases springs from the use of hand weights while training, so the advice is clear: Don't use weights until you've mastered the moves without them.
Head Injuries
Perhaps the most dangerous aspect of kickboxing is the risk of head injury. While most gyms and competitions require proper headgear and other equipment, there are some kickboxers who eschew the protective gear. Repeated blows to the head can cause brain damage. But in the March 2007 issue of "Clinical Endocrinology," a Turkish study reported that kickboxers had a higher risk of pituitary gland damage as a result of repeated shots to the head. The pituitary gland, which controls various aspects of metabolism related to sleep, digestion and hormone production, is located in the brain more or less directly behind the nose.

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