Saturday, January 7, 2012

How to Reduce Your Boxing Injury Risks?

Organizations such as the British Medical Association and the World Medical Association have called for a ban on boxing, according to a January 2010 BBC article. Medical News Today reported in 2006 that the Australian Medical Association requested the removal of boxing from the Olympic and Commonwealth games. This may leave you wondering if boxing is safe. The answer is not a simple one and the subject can be seen from a number of angles.

Relative Safety
Boxing is, by its very nature, a violent sport. However, you may be surprised to find out that it doesn't even rank in the top 15 most dangerous sports, according to the U.S. Consumer Produce Safety Commission in an article on the Live Science website. Boxing accounted for fewer injuries than such seemingly innocuous sports such as golf, rollerskating and softball. Still, the statistics in question relate to the number of injuries sustained, making results partly a function of the fact that more people golf than box.
Amateur Vs. Professional Boxing
Most people who box are not prize fighters involved in highly competitive fighting. Rather, they are amateurs who enjoy the sport for its own sake. Amateur boxing involves a number of safety measures not present in professional boxing, such as headgear to prevent against concussions and broken noses. Gloves used by amateur boxers absorb shock, while professional gloves transmit it. Amateur boxing referees have a greater degree of control in protecting competitors in the ring than professional referees.
Health Risks
While the dangers of boxing may be exaggerated, it would be a mistake to say that there are no health risks associated with boxing. Cuts and bruises are very common in boxing, along with broken ribs and concussions. There is also the matter of brain damage from prolonged and repeated blows to the head. The BBC reported that more than 80 percent of all boxers suffered from brain scarring on an MRI scan. These are all things to consider even if you are just stepping in the ring for friendly sparring.
Additional Safety Measures
You can take measures to ensure that boxing is safer. However, it is important to remember that nothing can entirely remove the threat of injury. Even making your only opponent the heavy bag can result in broken fingers. Above all, wearing the proper safety equipment is essential. Other measures that mitigate the dangers of boxing include regular visits to the neurologist for early detection of brain injury and frequent eye examinations.

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