Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to Reduce Shoulder Popping Out of the Socket?

Your shoulder is the most mobile joint in your body, meaning it can move into more positions than any other joint. However, its mobility comes with the price of instability. A partial or full dislocation may occur when the top of the upper arm bone is pulled partially or completely out of the shoulder joint. This may cause numbness, swelling, pain and weakness. Shoulder exercises help treat and prevent dislocations due to weak, inflexible muscles.
Range of Motion
Range of motion, ROM, exercises increase the mobility of the shoulder, allowing it to safely move into more positions. When your shoulder heals from a dislocation a physical therapist works with you to perform ROM exercises. You may use your opposite arm to perform these exercises on yourself if injured or anytime to increase flexibility. An example is the flexion and extension exercise. Sit in a chair and grasp the wrist of your one arm with your opposite hand. Lift your arm straight up by your head and then lower it back down to your side. Repeat 10 times.
Isometric exercises are a gentle method to strengthen your shoulders and other areas of the body. Physical therapists often use isometrics during rehabilitation because they do not require joint movement. You can use isometrics to increase strength when you are not injured too. An example exercise is the isometric shoulder adduction. Stand or sit holding a pillow to your chest with your arms crossed. Hug the pillow and hold it tightly for five seconds. Relax and repeat 10 times. Your shoulder muscles contract without the joints moving. This places less strain on the joints but still strengthens the muscles.
Free Weight Exercises
Exercises with free weights such as dumbbells and exercise tubing strengthen your muscles against the resistance. If your arm is healing from a dislocation your therapist will likely have you perform isometric exercises before using tubing; the goal is to develop enough strength to handle weighted moving exercises without risking re-injuring your shoulder. Weightlifters perform free weight exercise to increase shoulder strength and size. An example is the resisted shoulder flexion. Tie tubing to a door knob, hold the opposite end with your arm at your side facing away from the door and raise your arm straight forward 10 times.
Bodyweight Exercises
Bodyweight exercises for your shoulders, back and chest may help prevent future shoulder dislocations by strengthening the muscles that connect to the shoulder joint. These exercises utilize just the weight of your body. An example exercise to strengthen your latissimus dorsi begins by sitting in a chair. Place your hands on the seat in line with your shoulders and fingers pointing forwards. Lift your body off the seat and hold for five seconds. Repeat 10 times. The latissimus dorsi is the V-shaped muscle in the middle and upper back; it runs under the armpit and connects to the front of the shoulder.

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