Monday, January 16, 2012

How to Reduce Arm Pain in Volleyball?

Indoor, grass and beach volleyball is an exciting sport and effective workout. This team sport does not require top athletic conditioning but does make use of several body muscle groups as volleying, hitting and spiking the ball involves jumping and lunging. Volleyball also requires maneuvering and hitting the ball forcefully with the hands and forearms. This can lead to sore and reddened arms. However, using correct body positioning techniques can help decrease sore arms and improve your volleyball game.
Step 1
Wear protective wrist padding on both wrists. Wrist pads for volleyball are lightly padded elastic terrycloth bands that provide a buffer between the bony areas of your wrist and the volleyball. Stretch your arms, shoulders and legs to warm up your muscles before beginning a game of volleyball.
Step 2
Bend your knees into a crouch before lunging upward to hit or spike the ball. Hold your arms low and behind you as you jump to get more height. Raise your arms to hit the ball as you reach the top of your jump. This helps to propel your body upward and hit the ball with force from your entire body, not just your arm and hand strength.
Step 3
Hold your non-dominant hand in front of you and your dominant hand behind your head as you prepare to spike the volleyball with one hand. Swing your dominant hand straight out to hit the ball. Your non-dominant hand helps to balance your body. Holding your other hand behind you, give it more momentum as you reach out to hit the ball. After spiking or hitting the ball, bring your hand straight down. Letting your arm go across your body can injure your arm or shoulder.

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