Friday, January 13, 2012

How to Increase Your Boxing Power?

A boxer must have have skills, speed, rhythm, strategy, endurance, perseverance and toughness to succeed. Each trait contributes to success in the ring in a different way. Power, for example, gives effectiveness to the punches that other attributes allow the boxer to land.
Speed, rhythm and skill will help an athlete land a punch. Without power, though, the punch is often meaningless. A weak punch won't knock a boxer out, and most of the time won't even erode at his endurance in the way most boxing punches do. Albuquerque, N.M.-based kickboxing coach William Pleasant says of power, "You can't dig a hole with a rubber shovel."
Elements of Power
Boxing power lies within three specific areas. Physical strength is important to deliver powerful strikes. Strong people hit harder than weaker people. Body alignment is equally important, as it allows the boxer to add the strength of his legs and torso to each punch. A powerful punch doesn't just involve the arms, it involves the entire body. Proper form also contributes to boxing power, as a well-formed punch hurts the opponent more. A poorly formed punch can hurt the boxer who threw it.
Bag Work
Working the heavy bag is a key way to build power. Punching the bag develops the precise muscles and reflexes needed to throw powerful punches. The bag's resistance, especially with a training partner to steady it, provides resistance training for the muscles in the punch. Watching how the bag reacts to a punch helps a boxer know if his punches have the right alignment. Heavy bags also provide immediate feedback about punching form. A poorly thrown punch will turn a wrist or ding the knuckles for a painful reminder that it's important to do it right.
Weight Training
Weight training builds the simple muscle strength that creates powerful punches. Boxers benefit from full-body training, but power relies mostly on the triceps, deltoids and lats. According to Arnold Schwarzenegger's "New Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding," good exercises for the triceps include arm extensions and incline dumbbell presses. Pulldowns and dumbbell rows are good for building lats. Good deltoid exercises include dumbbell shrugs and deadlifts. For all exercises where it's possible, free-weight exercises are better than machine exercises. According to "Strong Women Stay Young" and "Martial Arts Over 40," this is because free weights force the small muscles around the wrists, elbows and shoulders to stabilize the load. These small muscles are vital for throwing punches with proper form.
Plyometrics are exercises that use body weight to build explosive force. Where weight training increases muscle size and strength, plyometrics use that strength in a dynamic context. Examples of plyometrics include jumping, high-stepping, skipping, clap push-ups and any other exercises where the athlete pushes himself off the ground.

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