Thursday, January 12, 2012

How to Develop Your Boxing Skills?

A boxer's skill set develops in direct accordance to his daily training regimen. Each fighter habitually employs a number of sport-specific routines designed to enhance proficiency in certain aspects of the Sweet Science. Excellent practice makes for an excellent performance. The development of any boxer's abilities will, therefore, rely heavily on whatever methods he chooses to improve his skills as a fighter.
Do your physical conditioning regimen early in the day. This should include an appropriate variant of what boxers call "roadwork," running as a means of increasing endurance. Add to this a muscle-building routine that strengthens both the lower and upper body, along with your abdominal core.
Work at enhancing your technique. Boxing is an art form. Skill development, therefore, is an essential part of training. Implement the heavy bag into your routine for punch-placement and power, the speed bag for reflexive movement and timing, focus mitts for accuracy and defense.
Spar regularly. Sparring consist of two boxers competing against each other, in the gym ring, just as they would during a scheduled fight. Practicing against another fighter is an invaluable training tool, as it presents many of the challenges you might incur during a regulation bout.

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