Friday, January 6, 2012

Fitness Comparison of Skull Crushers & Dips

Working your triceps goes a long way toward toning your arms. Among the many tricep exercises available, the dip and the skull crusher are two workouts. Both exercises require you to use both arms together for each repetition. Neither exercise requires a lot of equipment, but basic gym gear, such as barbells, a weight lifting bench and dip bars, are necessary.
Targeted Muscles
Both dips and skull crushers target the tricep muscles, which run along the backsides of the upper arms. For this reason, dips are also sometimes referred to as "tricep dips" and skull crushers may be called "lying tricep extensions." In each exercise, you work the tricep muscles by straightening your arm against some resistance. In the case of skull crushers, your chosen weights serve as the resistance. When you perform a dip, your own body weight serves as resistance.
Form: Skull Crushers
To perform a skull crusher, first lie on your back on a flat weight-lifting bench. Hold a barbell with both hands in the overhand grip position. Extend your arms up, toward the crown of your head, so that the barbell is directly over your eyes. With your upper arms as steady as possible, lower the barbell with your forearms until it comes just behind your head. Use your tricep muscles to lift the barbell back into position.
Form: Dips
Begin by standing between two dip bars or parallel bars. Hold one bar in each hand and use your arms to suspend yourself just off the ground. Make your arms straight at the elbow and keep your head in line with your trunk. Bend at your elbows to lower your body towards the floor, making a 90-degree angle at each elbow. Use your triceps to push yourself back up, straightening your arms again and exerting pressure downward, into the dip bars.
Choosing an Exercise
If you're trying to decide between dips and skull crushers, the first consideration is your desired intensity level. With dips, your resistance is limited to your own body weight, making it an appropriate exercise if you are going to perform many repetitions at a low intensity. Should you prefer higher resistance training, opt for the skull crushers or invest in a weighted belt to wear during dips. Another consideration is safety; ideally, you should have a spotter with you for either exercise, but at the very least, a spotter is necessary during skull crushers. If you have sensitivity or limited movement in your shoulders, consult with your doctor or a qualified trainer before trying either exercise.

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