Sunday, January 1, 2012

Exercises to Get Rid of Chicken Legs

You may have chicken legs if you glance in the mirror and notice your legs look disproportionately skinny compared to the rest of your body. Going to the gym may get rid of your chicken legs if you include appropriate exercises in your training schedule. Get your doctor’s approval before starting a new exercise program or making drastic changes to your current plan.


You may develop chicken legs if you rarely exercise, or if your workout program focuses on your upper body while neglecting your lower body. When you have chicken legs, your legs appear untoned, and the muscles may be weak compared to other muscles in your body. If you do not normally exercise and you are overweight, going to the gym can help you lose weight, make your stomach smaller and reduce the appearance of your chicken legs.


Strength-training exercises can build strength and increase muscle mass in your legs. Major groups of leg muscles include the quadriceps, or front of your thighs; the hamstrings, or back of your thighs; and the calves, or back of your lower legs. Squats and lunges work all of these muscles, leg extensions work the quadriceps and hamstring curls work the hamstrings. A trained expert can help you perform the exercises correctly to reduce your risk for injury and be sure you work your muscles evenly.


A variety of aerobic activities at the gym can help you get rid of chicken legs. Running on a treadmill, stationary bicycling, rowing on a machines and running on an elliptical trainer improve your cardiovascular fitness and strengthen your legs. Alternative exercises include pool activities, such as swimming or water aerobics, or group classes, such as aerobic dancing or step aerobics. Cardiovascular exercise burns calories to help you control your weight and may reduce your stress levels, according to


Going to the gym is more likely to get rid of your chicken legs if you make good use of your time by exercising, rather than walking around the gym or chatting with friends. You may not like going to the gym because it is expensive, inconvenient or too public, and you do not need to go to the gym to get rid of chicken legs. Alternative exercises include using resistance tubing for strength training and going for a run around your neighborhood for aerobic exercise. In addition to making your legs look more proportioned, other benefits of strengthening your legs include reducing your risk of injury by reducing muscle imbalances and increasing your bone density.

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