Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Exercises That Fulfill Boxing Physical Demands

Boxing is one of the most physically demanding sports. By itself, boxing is a great workout for anyone who wants to get in shape. However, those who want to get in the ring and box against an opponent of similar ability, strength and weight must be in top condition or they will be putting themselves at risk to serious injury.
Road Work
One of the long-standing traditions of boxing is to engage in road work. This is nothing more than running early in the morning to build stamina. Boxers traditionally run three to five miles while doing their road work in an effort to replicate the energy extended in a 10- to 12-round boxing match. Boxers will also go to the gym and do other cardiovascular exercises, but the road work sets the pace when they train for a fight.
Heavy Bag Workout
Boxers have to prepare for fights by throwing punches. While fighters get plenty of work in the ring against sparring partners, punching the heavy bag will get the fighter used to the energy needed to throw power punches. Fighters throw punches at the heavy bag for three minutes at a time, throwing 150 to 200 punches at a time. It is exhaustive but it prepares fighters for expending significant amounts of energy.
Ab Crunches on Exercise Ball
Sit on an exercise ball and find your balance point. In order to build your abs and core muscles, do crunches while balancing on the exercise ball. Lay down on the ball so your back is parallel to the floor. In order to work out your abs and core muscles even further, put a 15-lb. weight plate behind your head when doing your crunches. Do 50 at a time, take a 30-second break and repeat the set.

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