Saturday, January 7, 2012

Effective Stretching Workouts for Spine

Your muscles are like "wires" that attach to and move your bones. When those "wires" are too tight, they can pull on your bones and skew your body's skeletal alignment. Certain human movement patterns such as sitting or slouching can cause your body to adopt an inefficient and potentially harmful way of moving. The best and easiest way to align your skeleton and return to a functionally safe movement pattern is to stretch.

Kneeling Hip-flexor Stretch
Stretching the hip flexors is essential for anyone that sits for extended periods of time. Place one knee on the floor so that both legs are bent 90 degrees. With hands at your sides, draw your navel in and slightly push your pelvis forward until tension is felt in the front of the hip being stretched. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.
Spine Erector-spinae Stretch
The erector spinae muscles originate at the pelvis and lower back and are important for stabilizing the spine. Begin by lying face up on the floor. Bring both knees to your chest, slightly tilting your rear end upward, and hold in place with your arms for 20 to 30 seconds.
Standing Hamstring Stretch
Because parts of the hamstrings originate at the hips, tight hamstrings can pull on it, indirectly throwing the spine out of alignment. From a standing position with your hands on your hips, extend one leg and place it on a step. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend forward at the waist until a stretch is felt in your hamstrings of the raised leg. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds on both legs.
Spine Lower-back and Hip Stretch
This exercise stretches out the external rotators of the hips and the muscles in the lumbar region of the spine. Begin lying face up on the floor with your legs straight and arms extended to the side. Then raise one leg up and bend your knee 90 degrees. Keeping your back and shoulders flat, bring your knee across your torso -- almost like you are trying to touch your knee to the floor. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and then switch sides.

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