Monday, January 16, 2012

Core Exercises for Core Golf Muscles

Your core muscles generate a significant amount of power during a golf swing — more than your arms. During a golf swing, your core muscles help you create the angular momentum and reactive power that contribute to club acceleration. Some core muscles help propel your club, while others brake your movements.
The Core Muscles
Your core muscles include your transverse abdominals, external and internal obliques, rectus abdominis and erector spinae. The transverse abdominals are your deep stomach muscles, located near your waist. The obliques are located on the sides of your stomach and help you move side to side. The rectus abdominis is the “six-pack” in the center of your core, and the erector spinae muscles run up your spine along your back.
During the backswing, your core starts your movement, pushing your torso, shoulder and arms backward. Pulling your shoulders, torso and core backward with your arms is the cause of a misalignment of your club path that results in hooking and slicing. If you are a right-handed golfer, the core muscles on the right side of your body help move you backward, while the muscles on your left side help brake you into the end of the backswing.
Forward Swing
During the forward swing, you start by opening your hips, which pulls your core muscles forward. The core muscles then help propel your chest, shoulders and arms forward in a controlled motion for a smooth swing. Your core muscles reverse their push/brake functions during the forward swing.
Power and Momentum
During a golf swing, the back-and-forth motion creates reactive power by coordinating the use of your core muscles to perform opposite movements, storing, then releasing power. The golf swing also uses angular momentum, which is rotation about an access. The core muscles play an integral role in creating reactive power and angular momentum.
Core Exercises
To strengthen your core muscles for golf, use a combination of exercises that move you forward and backward and side to side, mimicking the golf swing. To work your obliques, stand holding a 2- or 3-pound medicine ball at arms’ length. Turn slowly to one side using your core muscles, not your shoulders. Hold for two seconds, then return to center. Turn to the other side and repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times per set. Lie on your side and bring your knees up, with your heels toward your butt. Place your hands behind your head and slowly raise your torso off the floor for two seconds. Lower and repeat 10 times. To work your rectus abdominis and back muscles, perform a variety of crunches and sit-ups.

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