Friday, January 6, 2012

Common Reasons for Blushing

Blushing is characterized by redness that occurs on the top of the chest, face or neck, says the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). It happens rapidly and for many different reasons, both physical and psychological. Blushing occurs when the body is stimulated in some way, eliciting a nervous system response. This makes tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, below the skin's surface get wider, says the New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated.
Rosacea is a very common cause of blushing. It's a condition of the skin characterized by redness of the face, says the NLM. Symptoms of rosacea include blushing very easily, with redness occurring on just part of the face or the entire face.
Though it's not understood what causes rosacea, the condition creates blushing because the capillaries swell. Rosacea may occur along with other skin problems like acne and seborrheic dermatitis (a skin condition that causes scaly patches).
You may notice that certain emotions make you blush, giving away whatever you're thinking. Feeling stressed, anxious or nervous can trigger blushing, and are the emotions most commonly associated with turning red.
Being embarrassed or being mad can also cause blushing, says the NLM. Excitement, happiness and nervousness can also make you blush, as can any overwhelming feelings or emotions.
Heat and Spice
Being in the sun or exposure to very warm temperatures can cause a red face and blushing, says the NLM. If the temperature changes very quickly, you may also find yourself blushing.
Dining on very spicy foods or drinking a hot cup of coffee, tea or any other hot beverage, as well as drinking alcohol can lead to redness in the face.
Health Problems and Medications
Women experiencing menopause and heat flashes may also frequently blush. Having a high fever can cause reddening of the face. A health condition called carcinoid syndrome, which has symptoms caused by carcinoid tumors, is also known to bring on blushing.
Additionally, medications used to manage high cholesterol and diabetes can have side effects, including blushing.

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