Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cellulite Considerations for Dairy/Lactose Intolerance

Cellulite occurs when small pockets of body fat accumulate just underneath the surface of the skin. As the fat accumulates in these pockets, it presses against the connective tissues that hold the skin together, which produces a lumpy dimpled texture in the skin. Cellulite most commonly occurs on the hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach. Although it looks a bit like a dairy product -- cottage cheese -- cellulite has no connection to dairy or lactose intolerance.

Cellulite is caused by those small pockets of fat under the skin’s surface. While genetics play a small role in the development of cellulite, the overall fat distribution in the body plays the largest role. Although no specific foods cause cellulite, a diet high in calories, sugar and fat certainly contributes to fat accumulation. An unhealthful diet also leads to weight gain, which makes cellulite more noticeable.
Cellulite and Dairy
Dairy products generally do not cause cellulite development. In fact, you can’t even assume that a diet high in dairy places you at higher risk for developing cellulite. However, if you’re eating large quantities of whole fat dairy products, including whole milk, cheese and ice cream, it could certainly increase your risk for cellulite. But even if you have cellulite, it’s not a good idea to eliminate dairy foods from your diet altogether because they provide a healthy amount of calcium and other nutrients. Instead, choose low-fat dairy options to reduce your fat and cholesterol intake.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a medical condition that occurs when the body lacks the lactase enzyme. As a result, it cannot adequately digest lactose, the sugar found in milk products. When a person with lactose intolerance consumes milk or milk products, the body struggles to digest it and absorb the nutrients. Typically, uncomfortable symptoms develop within 30 minutes. These symptoms might include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, gas and diarrhea.
Are Cellulite and Lactose Intolerance Related?
Overall, no direct relationship exists between cellulite and lactose intolerance. A person with either condition is neither more nor less likely to develop the other condition. However, people with lactose intolerance are less likely to consume high fat dairy products. So, they might consume less overall fat than a person who can easily digest milk products. But if you’re just substituting those high-fat dairy products for other high fat foods, cellulite can develop just as easily.

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