Friday, January 6, 2012

Causes of Hand Cramping in Bikram Yoga

Named after its founder, Bikram Choudhury, Bikram yoga is practiced in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit with the intent of promoting sweating and increasing flexibility. The increased heat can help relax your muscles, but it also increases the potential for dehydration, possibly leading to cramps. In many cases, adjusting your diet or fluid intake can help prevent your hand from cramping; however, if the problem persists despite taking precautions, consult a doctor.
Hand Cramps
Cramps are the result of an involuntary contraction in your muscles. They occur most commonly in the calf and thigh, but can happen in any muscle. Most cramps don't last long, but severe cramps can last for hours and are often painful. Hand cramps might be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the underlying cause. Possible symptoms include numbness, a burning or tingling sensation, joint pain, swelling, twitching and stiffness. You might also have difficulty moving your fingers or wrist.
A variety of conditions can lead to hand cramps, but when it comes to Bikram yoga, dehydration is a likely cause. The increased temperatures lead to sweating, which not only drains fluids but also vital electrolytes — minerals responsible for muscle contraction. Additional causes include anxiety, nerve damage, medications, overuse, pregnancy and muscle fatigue. Certain chronic diseases, such as diabetes and thyroid disorders, can also cause hand cramping.
Drink plenty of water before and after engaging in Bikram yoga, and ensure you get enough minerals in your diet, including potassium, magnesium, calcium and magnesium. Stretching your hands before and after activity may also help prevent cramping. Spending less time practicing can also help, particularly if you are practicing several days a week for an extended period. Talk to your yoga instructor to ensure you are using the correct form during the poses; improper form could cause fatigue in your hands, leading to cramps.
If taking preventive measures does not eliminate your hand cramps, or if you start to experience them outside of yoga, consult a doctor. Talk to her about any medications you are taking to ensure that the hand cramps are not a side effect. Tell your doctor about any symptoms that you are having in addition to hand cramps — such as fatigue, numbness or cramping in other parts of your body — as they could be a sign of a more serious disorder.

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