Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Boxenifits of Skipping Exercises

Skipping--also called rope jumping--is one of the most important exercises for any boxer who is preparing for a fight. While this may be a child's activity, it improves quickness, hand-eye coordination, endurance and movement ability. Fighters regularly skip rope prior to and at the end of training sessions. It is an excellent warm-up prior to getting in the ring.
Rope Jumping Preparation
When a boxer first starts jumping rope, the idea is to build skill at rope jumping before beginning any set routine. It takes coordination to jump and turn the rope consistently. Ultimately, boxers will use the jump rope to mimic their time in the ring by jumping for three minutes at a time. However, when you first start out, it's important not to tax yourself. Jump for 20 seconds at a time. Build your time by adding 20 seconds per day until you get up to two minutes. Once you can jump rope for two minutes and not have the rope hit your feet, you are ready to start more complicated exercises.
Running In Place
This is one of the primary rope-jumping exercises for boxers. Make sure you get your knees up as high as possible when you turn the rope. Turn the rope quickly and build a rhythm. This will help you improve your overall quickness and coordination, two vital factors when in the boxing ring. Once you have mastered rope skipping, do this exercise to correspond with a boxing round. Do this for three minutes at a time, take a one-minute break and then repeat the round.
This is a bit more advanced, but once you can skip rope by running in place for three minutes at a time, you should be ready to attempt double-unders. In the double-under, you turn the rope twice for each jump you take. This takes excellent coordination and it will help you build your athleticism and leaping ability. When doing this jump, start of by trying to do two or three double-unders. Once you can do this, you can try it for 20 seconds at a time and work your way up to a minute and then two. A boxer who can master the double-under move will have explosiveness in his legs while in the ring and that will help him move around the ring and build more power in his legs.

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