Thursday, January 12, 2012

Benefits of Proper Stretching Before Workouts

Stretching before a workout decreases the risk of injury and improves your performance by increasing flexibility in your muscles. The weather doesn't likely affect the need to stretch before exercising. The type of exercise you are participating in, proper form and consistency are factors that affect your stretching routine. A regular stretching regimen maximizes the benefit of your workout. Always talk with your doctor before beginning a new exercise or stretching routine.
Purpose of Stretching
Stretching can be part of a warm-up before exercise or part of a cool-down after exercise. Before a workout, stretching increases blood and oxygen flow to your muscles, raises your body temperature and prepares your muscles for physical activity. After exercise, stretching prevents blood from collecting in your arms and legs, helps prevent lactic acid buildup in your muscles and prevents your muscles from tightening. A stretching routine doesn't have to be long; 10 minutes provides enough benefit, according to the Sedgwick County, Kansas, Health Department. Stretching should be done regularly, no matter what the weather is.
Preparation doesn't recommend using stretching as a warm-up before a workout. Stretching cold muscles may cause injury. A better idea is to jog lightly for about five minutes prior to stretching. Another alternative is to stretch after your work out when your muscles are warmed up. Many athletes stretch before and after exercise, and this may provide the most benefit in all types of weather.
Proper Stretching
No matter the temperature, rain or shine, stretching properly helps prevent an injury and enhances the benefits of your exercise session by improving performance. recommends stretching all your major muscle groups, focusing on those that are specific to your sport. Bouncing can cause tears in your muscle and should be avoided. Never stretch to the point of pain; stretching should feel good. Performing a consistent stretching routine keeps your muscles limber and keeps your range of motion healthy.
If you are injured or have a health condition, talk with your doctor about stretching to prevent further damage to the muscles. If you are prone to tight muscles in extreme temperatures, stretching is especially important to prevent exacerbating the problem. Stretching can be done anywhere and doesn't require any equipment, making it ideal for exercising on a budget. Aim to stretch before and after each workout. If you don't have a regular exercise routine, stretching two or three times per week offers muscular benefits.

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