Friday, January 13, 2012

Benefits & Drawbacks of Martini Diet

Authored by Jennifer "Gin" Sander, "The Martini Diet" is full of recommendations to improve the quality of your life; losing a few pounds in the process is an added bonus. Sander's background is in finance; she's a writer, not a dietitian. But her diet is sound and based on common sense. It includes only three rules -- and it doesn't advocate any radical diet changes that could be harmful to your health.
What to Eat
You don’t have to count calories or grams of anything else on Sander’s diet. You just have to enjoy it. Sander’s first rule is that you can eat anything you want, as long as it’s the best quality available. This means choosing rib-eye steak over low-quality hamburger, unless you’re really craving the hamburger. Deprivation doesn’t have a place in the Martini Diet, but Sander does frown on processed and junk foods.
When to Eat
Sander’s second rule is that you can’t snack. You can only eat at mealtimes -- and then you should make an occasion of it and enjoy every mouthful.
How to Eat
Although Sander’s diet does allow martinis and wine, she didn’t name her book for this aspect of it. The Martini Diet’s third rule is that a 3-oz. martini glass should be your measurement device to control portion sizes. While you can eat anything you like on the Martini diet, the quantity should not exceed the size of the martini glass, up to the rim. The exception is dessert; you can have only one bite of this. If you dine out, confine yourself to a third of what’s on your dinner plate. Sander indicates that indulging is good, but over-indulging is not. While martinis or wine are allowed, you’re limited to only one drink per day.
The Martini Diet doesn’t make use of your bathroom scale, and this can appeal to some dieters. Sander recommends avoiding your scale and judging your weight loss by how your clothing fits instead. The intent of the diet is to feel good, not bad about yourself because of the number on the scale. The Martini Diet also urges you to include exercise in your daily routine, but not necessarily anything you’d find grueling. Instead, pick an activity that you enjoy.
Choosing rib-eye steak over low-quality hamburger isn’t possible for everyone. Some dieters might be unable to afford Sander’s “very best” diet choices on a regular basis. Provided you follow the other two rules regarding portion control and no snacking, however, the diet might still be successful, both for your mind and your weight, especially if you incorporate exercise into the plan.

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