Monday, January 2, 2012

Basic Drills in Kickboxing Classes

Kickboxing, as it is taught today, combines the aerobic benefits of a step aerobics class with the self-defense strategies of traditional martial arts. Taking a kickboxing class can be a great way to gain self-confidence, respect and cardiovascular benefits, but it can also be a way to get out your aggression and the stresses associated with daily life. Because kickboxing is often an intense workout, you should check with your doctor to determine whether these classes are right for you.
Step Drills
These drills are designed to train a student's body to react instinctively with martial arts techniques, and can be an effective aerobic workout to boot! Begin with an eight-count step that combines punches and kicks. One good drill is to have the students start out in a left-side fighting stance and throw a jab, reverse punch, step and front kick with a left round kick ending the routine. One of the benefits of step drills is you can have your students repeat the exercise on the other side as space allows.
Self-Defense Drills
Self-defense drills, if taught properly, can help students develop confidence and the ability to defend themselves against an attack. These are usually performed in groups of two, with one person playing the role of attacker and the other student defending against the attack. Often performed using techniques demonstrated first by the instructor, these drills involve one student pretending to attack another with a punch, grab, choke or other "street" technique. The instructors may suggest the advanced students perform self-defense drills non-stop, with the attacking student defending against the attack of the initial defensive student and repeating with the roles changing at the end of each technique.
Half-Speed Sparring
It may sound counter-intuitive, but sparring at half speed gives your students not only the stamina necessary for full-speed fighting, but helps build muscle strength and endurance in those muscles that seem to be forgotten in every other sport. By building up these muscles, you develop the strength necessary to throw powerful techniques and also develop the control necessary to throw a full-power kick and stop it before you contact a sparring partner. With this kind of control you may find that you never have to use the techniques learned in a true self-defense environment. Half-speed sparring is also a way to get students who may be afraid of sparring to give it a try, and many find that they love it after beginning with half-speed drills.

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