Friday, January 6, 2012

5 Things to Know About Heisman Exercise

The Heisman exercise is a movement that helps develop balance and agility and gently stretches your hips and spinal column. It is called a Heisman exercise because it resembles the pose of the Heisman trophy, which is awarded annually to the U.S. college football outstanding player. You can modify the Heisman exercise slightly to make it more or less challenging to suit most fitness levels.

Step 1
Stand with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms straight out to the sides.
Step 2
Lift your right knee up and move it across your torso to point at your left hand. Hold the position for a moment and then lower the leg to the start. Perform five to 10 reps on your right leg.
Step 3
Lift your left knee up and move it over to point at your right hand. Hold that position for a moment and then lower the leg. Perform five to 10 reps on your left leg.
Step 4
Alternate from leg to leg, and add a hop in between each repetition to make the exercise more challenging. Squeeze your oblique muscles at the top of each rep. Obliques are located on the sides of your midsection beneath your ribcage.
Step 5
Stand in a comfortable stance and step backward with your right leg so your left leg is at 90 degrees and your right toes are on the floor; this is a back lunge. Jump forward to do a Heisman with your right leg. Hold the pose for a moment, then repeat with your left leg.

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