Thursday, January 12, 2012

5 Things to Know About Advancing Foot Sweep

De Ashi Hirai is the Japanese name for this important attack move, designed to sweep your opponent's advancing leg out from under him. A feint step pulls the opponent off-balance, allowing you to capitalize on his forward movement to bring him down before he plants his foot firmly on the ground. Hand positioning is also important to further push the opponent down and away as the foot sweep takes place.
Right-Hand Grip
Advance toward your opponent as both of you take a standard facing right-hand grip. Grasp each other's left lapel with the right hand while the left hand grasps the other's right side at the waist.
Forward Right Step
Take a small step forward toward your opponent, then step back quickly with the right foot to draw him toward you.
Swing Left Leg
Swing your left leg around from back to front in a wide, powerful arc to make contact with your opponent's right foot as he steps forward to reach you.
Foot-to-Foot Impact
Sweep your opponent's right leg out from under him by hitting his right heel with the bottom of your left foot. For best results, make contact with his foot as he's moving forward and before he has placed his weight on the right foot.
Apply Hand Pressure
Pull down on your opponent's right side with your left hand as you sweep his right leg out from under him to take advantage of his falling motion.

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