Monday, January 2, 2012

4 Things to Know Before Leg Snap Kickboxing

A leg snap in kickboxing is a type of front kick, but it differs from a thrust or push kick in the way it is delivered. Unlike a straight thrust or push kick where you contact the opponent with the sole of your foot, a leg snap uses the top of your foot to make contact. The technique combines body rotation with leg coil and a swift delivery. The leg snap requires balanced movement, so it is advisable to practice the technique on a heavy bag before including it in your fighting routine.
Step 1
Take your fighting stance in front of a heavy bag or soft target with your knees bent and your hands up in the defensive position. To deliver the leg snap with your power leg, stagger your feet so your power leg is back.
Step 2
Pivot on your front foot as you rotate your body square with the target. Lift your power leg so your thigh extends straight out in front. Bend that knee and point your toes as you bring your foot back to coil it for the kick.
Step 3
Deliver the kick by swinging your lower leg and foot straight out toward the target with a snapping motion. Continue to hold your thigh extended straight out in front.
Step 4
Bend your knee and bring your foot back. Rotate your body to that side as you plant your power foot and assume your fighting stance.

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