Saturday, January 7, 2012

3 Ways to Cook Butterflied Fish

Butterflying a whole fish, also called splitting or kiting, removes most of the bones to create a larger body cavity. The enlarged cavity allows the fish to better retain stuffing and makes it easier to eat. The reduced number of bones makes the fish cook faster. Butterflied fish are available fresh from most grocers and markets. Baking, steaming or grilling are the best choices to cook a butterflied fish. Between 15 and 20 minutes per pound is required to cook a butterflied fish, depending on the method.

Baked Butterflied Fish

Step 1

Lightly grease a baking pan and preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Step 2

Rub the entire surface of the butterflied fish with seasoning and then lay it in the baking pan. Fold the top half back to reveal the fish’s body cavity. Spoon your chosen fish stuffing into the body cavity and fold the top half over.

Step 3

Place the baking pan in the oven and allow the butterflied fish to bake for 20 minutes per pound, including the weight of the stuffing. Leave the fish uncovered to crisp its exterior. A thin coating of butter will cause the exterior of the fish to turn golden brown.

Step 4

Remove the baking pan from the oven and allow the fish to cool for five minutes before serving.

Steamed Butterflied Fish

Step 1

Place the bottom compartment of a steamer over high heat and fill it with warm water. Allow the water to come to a boil. Adding seasoning to the water infuses the fish with additional flavor.

Step 2

Massage your chosen fish seasoning onto the exterior of the meat and fill its body cavity with stuffing. To ensure the fish cooks evenly, keep the amount of stuffing consistent throughout.

Step 3

Place the stuffed butterflied fish into the upper compartment of the steamer and cover it with the lid. Set the upper compartment on the lower compartment, and allow the stuffed fish to steam for 15 minutes per pound.

Step 4

Allow the fish to cool in the upper compartment of the steamer, without removing the lid, for 10 minutes. Serve the steamed fish while hot.

Grilled Butterflied Fish

Step 1

Preheat the grill to medium, or about 375 degrees F.

Step 2

Coat the surface of the butterflied fish with an even layer of seasoning. Fill the body cavity of the butterflied fish with your preferred stuffing and wrap it in three layers of aluminum foil.

Step 3

Place the foil-wrapped fish on the grill and cover it. Allow the stuffed fish to cook for 20 minutes per pound and then remove it from the grill.

Step 4

Let the stuffed fish cool in the aluminum foil for 10 minutes. Unwrap it carefully and serve the stuffed fish while hot.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh butterflied fish, rinsed and patted dry
  • Fish seasoning, such as compound butter, an herb mixture or salt and pepper
  • Fish stuffing, such as breadcrumbs, minced vegetables, shredded shellfish or an herb blend
  • Baking pan, steamer or heavy aluminum foil

Tips and Warnings

  • When the fish is done, the flesh should be opaque throughout and reach a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees F. If you do not wish to stuff the butterflied fish, you can simply coat it in seasoning and cook it as is. Refrigerate leftover butterflied fish right away and eat it within 48 hours.

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